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Default Styling in CSS

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Title: Default Styling in CSS Category: CSS / CSS3

Topic: Essential Training Series Publish Date: 2015-01-09

Views: 286

Author: Mike Kike


In this tutorial we begin our journey into CSS. The first thing that we discuss is the HTML document that we will begin our journey in CSS with. I start with an HTML5 document that has a group of headings, paragraphs, anchor tags, order lists and unordered list and we look at the default styling’s that the web browsers attach to our documents. Using Firefox and Safari we compare the way the browsers display our document. Then we move into a discussion of CSS Resets and how we can take those resets and give us a starting point with all our HTML pages. We visit a couple of very good sites with information on CSS resets and discuss the different levels of complexity of the CSS Resets available. We wrap up the tutorial series by building our CSS Reset and implementing that CSS Reset in our default HTML5 web page.